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Property Handler (Type Level)

This page contains the recommended way of implementing a property handler for specific type.

This property handler is based on database column type (database-bound).


Create a class that implements the IPropertyHandler interface.

public class DateTimeKindToUtcPropertyHandler : IPropertyHandler<datetime?, datetime?>
    public datetime? Get(datetime? input, ClassProperty property)
        return input.HasValue ? DateTime.SpecifyKind(input.Value, Kind.Utc) : null;

    public datetime? Set(datetime? input, ClassProperty property)
        return input.HasValue ? DateTime.SpecifyKind(input.Value, Kind.Unspecified) : null;

public class GuidToStringPropertyHandler : IPropertyHandler<Guid?, string>
    public string Get(Guid? input, ClassProperty property)
        return input.HasValue ? input.ToString() : null;

    public Guid? Set(string input, ClassProperty property)
        var output = Guid.Empty;
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input) && Guid.TryParse(input, out output))
            return output;
        return null;



Use the PropertyHandlerMapper class to map the property handlers into the target types.

PropertyHandlerMapper.Add(typeof(DateTime), new DateTimeKindToUtcPropertyHandler());
PropertyHandlerMapper.Add(typeof(Guid), new GuidToStringPropertyHandler());


Use the FluentMapper class to map the property handlers into the target types.



Key Take-aways

  • Ensure to always make both the TInput and TResult generic types nullable. It is handling both the properties/columns that are nullables/non-nullables.
  • Make the code snippets to both Get() and Set() method concise and highly performant.
  • Name the property handler corresponds to its purpose.
  • Mishandling of the implementation would make your application suffer in performance.