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This is a helper class used for extracting class objects via Linq.Expressions namespace. The operations residing on this class are all pre-compiled operations.


This method is used to get the data entities property values. The result is an array of generic type TResult.

Let us say you have an array of model Person, then the code below would extract all the values of the Id property.

var people = GetPeople(); // As a given variable
var keys = ClassExpression.GetEntitiesPropertyValues<Person, long>(people, "Id");
// Do the stuffs for the 'keys' here

You can also extract using Field, DbField or ClassProperty objects.


This method is used to get the list of the ClassProperty objects of the target entity.

var properties = ClassExpression.GetProperties<Person>();
// Do the stuffs for the 'properties' here

We recommend that you use the PropertyCache object when extracting the class properties.


This method is used to extract the list of properties and values of the target entity. The result is an array of PropertyValue object.

var propertiesAndValues = ClassExpression.GetProperties<Person>(person);
// Do the stuffs for the 'propertiesAndValues' here