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Database Setting

A database setting is an object that contains the information that are specific to a single RDBMS data providers. It holds the information of the following.

  • A character for closing quotation, opening quotation, parameter prefix and schema separator.
  • A type that is used for averaging.
  • A database schema.
  • A support to hints.
  • A usage of upsert over merge.
  • A direction property enability of command object.
  • A dispose behaviour of the data reader after the execution.
  • A support to multiple-statement executions.
  • A preparation of the command executions.


  • The naming must be Desired Name + DbSetting (i.e.: SqlServerDbSetting).
  • The implementation must be internal sealed.
  • The namespace must be RepoDb.DbSettings.
  • The class must be residing inside the DbSettings folder.

Please see the folder structuring page.

Get Started

You have to implement the class that inherits the BaseDbSetting class.

internal sealed class MyCustomSqlServerDbSetting : BaseDbSetting

Then, in the constructor, set the values of every property.

internal MyCustomSqlServerDbSetting()
    : base()
    AreTableHintsSupported = true;
    AverageableType = typeof(double);
    ClosingQuote = "]";
    DefaultSchema = "dbo";
    IsDirectionSupported = true;
    IsExecuteReaderDisposable = true;
    IsMultiStatementExecutable = true;
    IsPreparable = true;
    IsUseUpsert = false;
    OpeningQuote = "[";
    ParameterPrefix = "@";
    SchemaSeparator = ".";


Simply use the DbSettingMapper class to map it to the specific RDBMS data provider.

DbSettingMapper.Add(typeof(SqlConnection), new MyCustomSqlServerDbSetting(), true);

The library will then use your customized database setting for all its database specific activity.

A sample is the SQL statement generation. Behind the scene, the library has auto-formatted the created SQL statement with some information from the settings (i.e.: OpeningQuote, ClosingQuote, SchemaSeparator and ParameterPrefix).

Let say you had called the Query operation for SQL Server.

using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
    var people = connection.Query<Person>(p => p.Id == 10045);
    // Use the 'people' here

Then, the following SQL statement will be generated.

> SELECT [Id], [Name], ..., [CreatedDateUtc] FROM [dbo].[Person] WHERE ([Id] = @Id);

As you noticed on the generated SQL statement, the following settings (i.e.: OpeningQuote, ClosingQuote, SchemaSeparator and ParameterPrefix) were used.

How to Retrieve?

You can use the DbHelperMapper to get the database helper by connection type.

var helper = DbHelperMapper.Get<SqlConnection>();
// Use the 'helper' here

Or, you can use the GetDbHelper() extended method of the connection object.

using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
    var helper = connection.GetDbHelper();
    // Use the 'helper' here