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A cacher class for the database table fields. It provides a 2nd-layer caching for the library when it comes to database fields extraction. As a result, the library is fast-enough when reusing the already extracted database fields on any execution.


Below is the list of methods.

FlushAllows you to flush the caches.
GetReturns the list of DbField objects.


You can simply call the Get() method of this class passing the literal table name.

using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
    var dbFields = DbFieldCache.Get("[dbo].[Person]", connection, transaction: null);
    // Use the 'dbFields' here

Or, you can use the ClassMappedNameCache to extract the mapped entity name.

using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
    var dbFields = DbFieldCache.Get(ClassMappedNameCache.Get<Person>(), connection, transaction: null);
    // Use the 'dbFields' here

By using the Get() method, a DbConnection is necessary. If the cache is not yet present, then the entries will be extracted from the database, cache it and sent it back to the caller.