This page has the consolidated code of the BaseRepository reference implementation.
public class CustomerRepository : BaseRepository<Customer, SqlConnection>, ICustomerRepository
// Factory Classes
public CustomerRepository(IOptions<AppSetting> settings)
: base(settings.Value.ConnectionString,
commandTimeout: settings.CommandTimeout,
connectionPersistency: ConnectionPersistency.PerCall,
cache: CacheFactory.CreateCacher(),
cacheItemExpiration: settings.CacheItemExpiration,
trace: TraceFactory.CreateTracer(),
statementBuilder: null)
{ }
// Dependency Injected Classes
public CustomerRepository(IOptions<AppSetting> settings,
ICache cache,
ITrace trace)
: base(settings.Value.ConnectionString,
commandTimeout: settings.CommandTimeout,
connectionPersistency: ConnectionPersistency.PerCall,
cache: cache,
cacheItemExpiration: settings.CacheItemExpiration,
trace: trace,
statementBuilder: null)
{ }
// Sync
public IEnumerable<Customer> GetAll(string cacheKey = null,
IDbTransaction transaction = null)
return QueryAll(cacheKey: cacheKey,
transaction: transaction);
public Customer Get(int id,
string cacheKey = null,
IDbTransaction transaction = null)
return Query(id,
cacheKey: cacheKey,
transaction: transaction).FirstOrDefault();
public Customer GetByName(string name,
string cacheKey = null,
IDbTransaction transaction = null)
return Query(p => p.Name == name,
cacheKey: cacheKey,
transaction: transaction).FirstOrDefault();
public int Delete(int id,
IDbTransaction transaction = null)
return base.Delete(id,
transaction: transaction);
public int Merge(Customer customer,
IDbTransaction transaction = null)
return base.Merge<int>(customer,
transaction: transaction);
public int Save(Customer customer,
IDbTransaction transaction = null)
return Insert<int>(customer,
transaction: transaction);
public int Update(Customer customer,
IDbTransaction transaction = null)
return base.Update(customer,
transaction: transaction);
// Async
public async Task<IEnumerable<Customer>> GetAllAsync(string cacheKey = null,
IDbTransaction transaction = null)
return await QueryAllAsync(cacheKey: cacheKey,
transaction: transaction);
public async Task<Customer> GetAsync(int id,
string cacheKey = null,
IDbTransaction transaction = null)
return (await QueryAsync(id,
cacheKey: cacheKey,
transaction: transaction)).FirstOrDefault();
public async Task<Customer> GetByNameAsync(string name,
string cacheKey = null,
IDbTransaction transaction = null)
return (await QueryAsync(p => p.Name == name,
cacheKey: cacheKey,
transaction: transaction)).FirstOrDefault();
public async Task<int> DeleteAsync(int id,
IDbTransaction transaction = null)
return await base.DeleteAsync(id,
transaction: transaction);
public async Task<int> MergeAsync(Customer customer,
IDbTransaction transaction = null)
return await base.MergeAsync<int>(customer,
transaction: transaction);
public async Task<int> SaveAsync(Customer customer,
IDbTransaction transaction = null)
return await InsertAsync<int>(customer,
transaction: transaction);
public async Task<int> UpdateAsync(Customer customer,
IDbTransaction transaction = null)
return await base.UpdateAsync(customer,
transaction: transaction);
public interface ICustomerRepository
// Non-Async
IEnumerable<Customer> GetAll(string cacheKey = null,
IDbTransaction transaction = null);
Customer Get(int id,
string cacheKey = null,
IDbTransaction transaction = null);
Customer GetByName(string name,
string cacheKey = null,
IDbTransaction transaction = null);
int Delete(int id,
IDbTransaction transaction = null);
int Merge(Customer customer,
IDbTransaction transaction = null);
int Save(Customer customer,
IDbTransaction transaction = null);
int Update(Customer customer,
IDbTransaction transaction = null);
// Async
Task<IEnumerable<Customer>> GetAllAsync(string cacheKey = null,
IDbTransaction transaction = null);
Task<Customer> GetAsync(int id,
string cacheKey = null,
IDbTransaction transaction = null);
Task<Customer> GetByNameAsync(string name,
string cacheKey = null,
IDbTransaction transaction = null);
Task<int> DeleteAsync(int id,
IDbTransaction transaction = null);
Task<int> Merge(Customer customer,
IDbTransaction transaction = null);
Task<int> SaveAsync(Customer customer,
IDbTransaction transaction = null);
Task<int> UpdateAsync(Customer customer,
IDbTransaction transaction = null);
public class AppSetting
public string ConnectionString { get; set; }
public int CommandTimeout { get; set; }
public int CacheItemExpiration { get; set; }
Dependency Injections
For singleton.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// Registration
services.AddSingleton<ICustomerRepository, CustomerRepository>();
Or for transient.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// Registration
services.AddTransient<ICustomerRepository, CustomerRepository>();
// Custom Class
public static class MyCustomCache : MemoryCache
// Factory
public static class CacheFactory
private static object _syncLock = new object();
private static ICache _cache = null;
public static ICache CreateCacher()
if (_cache == null)
lock (_syncLock)
if (_cache == null)
_cache = new MyCustomCache();
return _cache;
// Dependency Injection
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// Registration
services.AddSingleton<ICache, MyCustomCache>();
// Custom Class
public static class MyCustomTrace : ITrace
/* Implement all the methods here */
// Factory
public static class TraceFactory
private static object _syncLock = new object();
private static ITrace _trace = null;
public static ITrace CreateTracer()
if (_trace == null)
lock (_syncLock)
if (_trace == null)
_trace = new MyCustomTrace();
return _trace;
// Dependency Injection
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// Registration
services.AddSingleton<ITrace, MyCustomTrace>();