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This class is used to convert the DbDataReader object into an [IEnumerable]( or `IEnumerable` object. This is the heart of the library when it comes to data extraction from the database.

It only contains one method named ToEnumerable. This method is pre-compiled AOT using Linq.Expressions.

This class is high-performant and efficient. It understands and caches the schema of your database into the memory. It also reuses all the other caches within the library during the extraction to construct and generate the most-optimal AOT compilation.

Extract as Entity Model

using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
    using (var reader = connection.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Person];"))
        var people = DataReader.ToEnumerable<Person>((DbDataReader) reader);
        // Do the stuffs for 'people' here

Extract as Dynamic/ExpandoObject

using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
    using (var reader = connection.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Person];"))
        var people = DataReader.ToEnumerable((DbDataReader) reader);
        // Do the stuffs for 'people' here


It is also quitely important to pass the list of the DbField object in order for the compiler to skip the unnecessary DB-NULL checks.

To do this, simply pass the list of the DB fields in the dbFields argument.

using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
    var dbFields = DbFieldCache.Get(connection, ClassMappedNameCache.Get<Person>(), null);
    using (var reader = connection.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Person];"))
        var people = DataReader.ToEnumerable<Person>((DbDataReader) reader,
        // Do the stuffs for 'people' here

Please note to always pass the IDbSetting object when using the dbFields argument.