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This method is used to query the rows from the database by batch.

Code Snippets

Below is the sample code that query the 1st 20 batch of the active rows from the [dbo].[Person] table based on the date creation.

using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
    var orderBy = OrderField.Parse(new { DateInsertedUtc = Order.Descending });
    var page = 0; // Starts at 0 for the first batch
    var rowsPerBatch = 20;
    var people = connection.BatchQuery<Person>(page: page,
        rowsPerBatch: rowsPerBatch,
        orderBy: orderBy,
        where: e => e.IsActive == true);

Please be aware that the paging starts at 0.

And below is a sample code that queries the 3rd batch.

using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
    var orderBy = OrderField.Parse(new { DateInsertedUtc = Order.Descending });
    var page = 2;// This is the 3rd batch
    var rowsPerBatch = 20;
    var people = connection.BatchQuery<Person>(page: page,
        rowsPerBatch: rowsPerBatch,
        orderBy: orderBy,
        where: e => e.IsActive == true);

Targeting a Table

You can also target a specific table by passing the literal table name like below.

using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
    var orderBy = OrderField.Parse(new { DateInsertedUtc = Order.Descending });
    var page = 0;
    var rowsPerBatch = 20;
    var people = connection.BatchQuery<Person>("Person",
        page: page,
        rowsPerBatch: rowsPerBatch,
        orderBy: orderBy,
        where: e => e.IsActive == true);

Or, via dynamics.

using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
    var orderBy = OrderField.Parse(new { DateInsertedUtc = Order.Descending });
    var page = 0;
    var rowsPerBatch = 20;
    var people = connection.BatchQuery("Person",
        page: page,
        rowsPerBatch: rowsPerBatch,
        orderBy: orderBy,
        where: new { IsActive = true });

Specific Columns

You can also query specific columns by passing the list of fields.

using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
    var orderBy = OrderField.Parse(new { DateInsertedUtc = Order.Descending });
    var page = 0;
    var rowsPerBatch = 20;
    var fields = Field.Parse<Person>(e => new
    var people = connection.BatchQuery<Person>(page: page,
        rowsPerBatch: rowsPerBatch,
        orderBy: orderBy,
        where: e => e.IsActive == true,
        fields: fields);

Or, via dynamics.

using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
    var orderBy = OrderField.Parse(new { DateInsertedUtc = Order.Descending });
    var page = 0;
    var rowsPerBatch = 20;
    var people = connection.BatchQuery("Person",
        page: page,
        rowsPerBatch: rowsPerBatch,
        orderBy: orderBy,
        where: new { IsActive = true },
        fields: Field.From("Id", "Name", "DateInsertedUtc"));

Filtering the Results

You can also use the QueryGroup or QueryField if you are to enhance the WHERE expressions.

using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
    var where = new []
        new QueryField("IsActive", true),
        new QueryField("DateInsertedUtc", Operation.GreaterThanOrEqual, DateTime.UtcNow.Date.AddDays(-1))
    var orderBy = OrderField.Parse(new { DateInsertedUtc = Order.Descending })
    var page = 0;
    var rowsPerBatch = 20;
    var people = connection.BatchQuery("Person",
        page: page,
        rowsPerBatch: rowsPerBatch,
        orderBy: orderBy,
        where: where);

Table Hints

You can also pass a hint.

using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
    var orderBy = OrderField.Parse(new { DateInsertedUtc = Order.Descending });
    var page = 0;
    var rowsPerBatch = 20;
    var people = connection.BatchQuery<Person>(page: page,
        rowsPerBatch: rowsPerBatch,
        orderBy: orderBy,
        where: e => e.IsActive == true,
        hints: "WITH (NOLOCK)");

Or, you can use the SqlServerTableHints class.

using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
    var orderBy = OrderField.Parse(new { DateInsertedUtc = Order.Descending });
    var page = 0;
    var rowsPerBatch = 20;
    var people = connection.BatchQuery<Person>(page: page,
        rowsPerBatch: rowsPerBatch,
        orderBy: orderBy,
        where: e => e.IsActive == true,
        hints: SqlServerTableHints.NoLock);