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This is the base class for all the attributes that are used when setting the properties of the DbParameter object.


Below a sample code on how to use this attribute.

public class Person
    public int Id { get; set; }

    [PropertyValue(typeof(DbParameter), nameof(DbParameter.ParameterName), "CompleteName")]
    public string Name { get; set; }

Fluent Mapping

Below is a sample code on how to use this attribute via FluentMapper.

    .PropertyValueAttributes(e => e.Name,
        new PropertyValueAttribute(typeof(DbParameter), nameof(DbParameter.ParameterName), "CompleteName"));

You can also map multiple instances.

    .PropertyValueAttributes(e => e.Name, new []
        new PropertyValueAttribute(typeof(DbParameter), nameof(DbParameter.ParameterName), "CompleteName")
        new PropertyValueAttribute(typeof(DbParameter), nameof(DbParameter.DbType), DbType.NVarChar)


You can retrieve the list of mapped attributes via PropertyValueAttributeCache.

var attributes = PropertyValueAttributeCache.Get<Person>(e => e.Name);

Or, via the PropertyValueAttributeMapper.

var attributes = PropertyValueAttributeMapper.Get<Person>(e => e.Name);

We strongly suggest to always use the PropertyValueAttributeCache to maximize the performance.


Below is a sample code on how to implement a class that inherits this class.

public class CustomizedNameAttribute : PropertyValueAttribute
    public CustomizedNameAttribute(string parameterName)
        : base(typeof(DbParameter), nameof(DbParameter.ParameterName), parameterName)
    { }

After that, your customized attribute can then be used on a class.

public class Person
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }

Or via FluentMapper.

    .PropertyValueAttributes(e => e.Name,
        new [] { new CustomizedNameAttribute("CompleteName" })

The implementation is dynamic, therefore, you can target any property of the IDbDataParameter regardless of the data providers (i.e.: SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL or SQLite).