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A mapper class for the IDbHelper-based class. The mapping can be made based on the type of the target RDBMS data provider. Please visit the Database Helper for more information.


Below is the list of methods.

AddAdds a mapping between the IDbHelper and the type of the DbConnection.
ClearClears all the existing mappings of the database helpers.
GetGets the existing mapped IDbHelper object based on the type of the DbConnection.
RemoveRemoves the existing mapped IDbHelper object based on the type of the DbConnection.


To add a mapping, simply call the Add() method.

DbHelperMapper.Add<SqlConnection>(new OptimizedSqlServerDbHelper(), true);

An exception will be thrown if the mapping is already exists and you passed a false value in the force argument.

To get the mapping, use the Get() method.

var helper = DbHelperMapper.Get<SqlConnection>();

To remove the mapping, use the Remove() method.
