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RepoDB complete support to Implicit Mapping

Apr 12, 2020

Happy Easter 2020! In the middle of my development of this site (, 2 of the users of the library has asked me to introduce the Implicit Mapping feature in RepoDB.

The requests can be found here.

What is an Implicit Mapping?

It is feature that would allow you to map your desired attributes into your class (or class property) without even explicitly using the Attribute. This is to make sure that your models are attribute-free and is not bound to a specific ORM.


In RepoDB, the following attributes were already given.

  • Map - is used to map the class (or class property) into its equivalent object in the database.
  • Primary - is used to mark a class property to be a primary.
  • Identity - is used to mark a class property to be an identity.
  • PropertyHandler - is used the map a class property handler.
  • TypeMap - is used the map a class property and the database type.


public class Customer
    [Primary, Identity]
    public string Id { get; set; }

    public string FirstName { get; set; }

    public string LastName { get set; }

    [Map("DOB"), TypeMap(DbType.DateTime2), PropertyHandler(PersonDateOfBirthPropertyHandler)]
    public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; }

    public DateTime CreatedDateUtc { get; set; }


Then following mappers were added.

  • ClassMapper - as an alternative to Map, it is used to map a class into its equivalent database object.
  • PropertyMapper - as an alternative to Map, it is used to map a property into its equivalent column in the database.
  • PrimaryMapper - as an alternative to Primary, it is used to mark a class property to be a primary.
  • IdentityMapper - as an alternative to Identity, it is used to mark a class property to be an identity.
  • PropertyHandlerMapper - as an alternative to PropertyHandler, it is used to map a property handler into a class property.
  • TypeMapper - as an alternative to TypeMap, it is used the map a class property and the database type in both type and property level.

The TypeMapper and PropertyHandlerMapper were already given since the early days of the library.


Let us say you have a class below.

public class Customer
    public string Id { get; set; }
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get set; }
    public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; }
    public DateTime CreatedDateUtc { get; set; }

You can then associate the mappings via the code snippets below.

// Class Mapping

// Property Mapping
PropertyMapper.Add<Customer>(c => c.FirstName, "FName");
PropertyMapper.Add<Customer>(c => c.LastName, "LName");
PropertyMapper.Add<Customer>(c => c.DateOfBirth, "DOB");

// Primary Mapping
PrimaryMapper.Add<Customer>(c => c.Id);

// Identity Mapping
IdentityMapper.Add<Customer>(c => c.Id);

// PropertyHandler Mapping (Property Level)
PropertyHandlerMapper.Add<Customer>(c => c.DateOfBirth, typeof(PersonDateOfBirthPropertyHandler));

// PropertyHandler Mapping (Type Level) - all properties with DateTime column

// Type Mapping (Property Level)
TypeMapper.Add<Customer>(c => c.DateOfBirth, DbType.DateTime2);

// Type Mapping (Type Level) - all properties with DateTime column


Then following cachers were added to cache the mappings. It is usually used for retrieval purposes.


To get the mappings, use the code snippets below.

// Class Mapping
var className = ClassMappedNameCache.Get<Customer>();

// Property Mapping
var propertyName = PropertyMappedNameCache.Get<Customer>(c => c.FirstName);

// Primary Mapping
var primary = PrimaryCache.Get<Customer>();

// Identity Mapping
var identity = IdentityCache.Get<Customer>();

// PropertyHandler Mapping (Property Level)
var propertyHandler = PropertyHandlerCache.Get<Customer>(c => c.DateOfBirth);

// PropertyHandler Mapping (Type Level) - all properties with DateTime column
var propertyHandler = PropertyHandlerCache.Get<DateTime>();

// Type Mapping (Property Level)
var dbType = TypeMapCache.Get<Customer>(c => c.DateOfBirth);

// Type Mapping (Type Level) - all properties with DateTime column
var dbType = TypeMapCache.Get<DateTime>();

You can also get the mappings using the mapper classes, however, we highly recommend to use the cachers class to maximize the performance and efficiency.